Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Real things rollergirls say

I will try to find some of the old ones. Hopefully I have them in emails or elsewhere. The names of the innocent and the guilty will be changed or left out.  Here's one from a month or so ago.

"I went to the doctor today about allergies and got an unscheduled pap smear. I usually like to prepare for those because you never know what you're going to find in my vagina. There could have been little plastic army men in there."

Storm the trenches! Clear out the foxholes!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

For fuck's sake

I’ve been saving random thoughts on sex, men, mental health, feminism, snippets of poetry, and my fabulous collection of real things rollergirls say in my hotmail draft folder for years. It’s gone. Eaten. Deleted. Never backed up and never to return. These are the things that amuse me or puzzle me or I find brilliant that are not safe for work, family, or facebook. Rather than making the same mistake, I am going to post them here. Maybe someone else will be amused as well.